Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident

Draft document: Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident
Submitted by 林勝彦, 科学ジャーナリスト
Commenting as an individual

❶ LNTモデルは、ICRP、UNSCER,、IAEAなど国際的に権威ある組織や学会等で 広く認められている。放射線防護はLNTモデルによるべきである。根拠は、⑴原爆被曝者調査、ラッセル博士らの動物実験、分子放射線生物学、集団遺伝学等の学問的成果 ⑵人類が水俣病で学んだ「安全学」「科学の予防原則」にもといている。

❷ 1〜5mSvレベルで、白血病などに有意差ありとの学術論文が複数出ている。「人間のいのち」を守る「科学の予防原則」を無視してはいけない。

❸ 福島の小児甲状腺ガンの多発については、チェルノブイリ事故の教訓を無視してはいけない。旧ソ連政府は、放射線の人体影響調査をIAEAに依頼。IAEAは、放射線影響研究所に再委託。重松逸造博士が団長となり、「重大影響無し」との報告書を出した。後に、間違いが判明する。小児甲状腺癌が、2〜3年で増加傾向、4〜5年目で急増していた。放射線の「晩発影響」である。


❺ 日本国の公衆の通常被曝線量限度は、1mSv/年である。修正するのであれば、1mSv/年以下なら安全であることを示すデータを提出せねばならない。「科学の予防原則」を覆す、倫理的原則をICRPは世界に示さねばならない。

(a) LNT model is widely accepted by internationally recognized organizations such as the ICRP, UNSCER, IAEA, and academic societies. LNT model should be used for radiation protection. The evidence is based on (1) academic achievements such as atomic bomb survivor studies, animal experiments by Dr. Russell and others, molecular radiobiology, and Population Genetics, and (2) "safety science" "precautionary principle of science" which mankind learned from Minamata disease.

(b) There have been several academic papers reporting significant differences in leukemia and other diseases at the 1 ~ 5 mSv level. We should not ignore the "precautionary principle of science" that protects "human life".

(c) The lessons learned from the Chernobyl disaster should not be ignored in Fukushima's high incidence of childhood thyroid cancer. The former Soviet Union asked the IAEA to investigate the effects of radiation on humans. The IAEA subcontracted the work to the Radiation Effects Research Institute. Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu led the team and submitted a report saying, "No major impact". Later, the mistake is revealed. The number of cases of thyroid cancer in children increased in the second to third years and rapidly increased in the fourth to fifth years. The late effects of radiation.

(d) Most Japanese academics deny the paper of Toshihide Tsuda, professor at Okayama University, that thyroid cancers in children in Fukushima are caused by radiation. If mistakes are discovered later, how will they take responsibility?

(e) The usual exposure limit for the Japanese public is 1 mSv/year. If modified, data showing safety below 1 mSv/year must be submitted. ICRP must demonstrate to the world its ethical principles that overturn the "precautionary principle of science".
